Project Managing the 2019 TCD Rule change...

The 2019 Amendment to the TCD (Traffic Condrol Devices) Rule was announced in May. This Amendment Rule (2019) advises the changes to the TCD 2004 rule. 

The TCD Rule specifies the requirements for the design, construction, installation, operation, and maintenance of traffic control devices, and sets out the functions and responsibilities of road controlling authorities.

There are significant amendments to static signage which is a key part of RTL’s business. There are also other high level changes; School Signage (allowing school crossing signage to remain at the crossing), STOP GO signage no longer needs to be hand held, to mention a few.

The rule comes into force on the 1st of June 2019, so its all hands on deck! 

Implementing change of this magnitude which affects a number of internal and external stakeholders (and at pace)– requires clear project management. 

RTL has adopted some elements of agile project management to roll out this change. We have nominated project managers in each department, set up stand up meetings for reviews, created a one stop location for saving relevant information – that can be easily accessed by several staff at one go and we are keeping communication channels open with all team members. Team members were encouraged to identify potential bottlenecks early on and bring these to the collective group – for solution finding. 

So YES we have a clear plan and we have invested the time and effort in the actual planning – but we are also quite aware that this is not a static environment – things will change, priorities will shift – hence our adoption of the agile method;  which will allow us to start in the broad direction of where we want to end up, adapt to changing conditions and incrementally move towards our target. How is your team rolling this out?

Check out our downloads section for links to the TCD Rule 2004 and TCD Amendment Rule 2019