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Downloadable Documents & Technical Drawings:
RTL have a comprehensive list of approved electrical and engineering partners that are trained and approved by us, to work on our equipment used around New Zealand. For any questions, please contact RTL at or 0800 785 744.
 For best results, please print A4, double sided in colour
Click on the link below to download a copy of our Christmas Customer Letter.
Our new trade account process is now online. Click on the link below to start the application. If you wish to view our RTL terms and conditions of trade, outside of the trade account application process, please click on the PDF below.
A snapshot of our range of signage, safety products and services. For best results, please print A4, double sided in colour
Request a trial by filling out the waiver form.
Body Builders / Installers: Please fill in the check boxes & information in this document with the actual measurements of the Scorpion II C-90 after installation. Once completed, please email the form to  This completed form must be sent to RTL for the product to be covered under warranty. 
RTL Saris Catalogue 
Land Transport Rule: Traffic Control Devices Amendment 2019 (the amendment Rule) amends Land Transport Rule: Traffic Control Devices 2004 (the Traffic Control Devices Rule). The Traffic Control Devices Rule specifies the requirements for the design, construction, installation, operation, and maintenance of traffic control devices, and sets out the functions and responsibilities of road controlling authorities in providing traffic control devices to give effect to their decisions on the control of traffic.

Why are these changes being made?

These changes are necessary for a variety of reasons, including:
• clarifying or modifying current requirements to support understanding and enforcement 
• amending requirements or removing unnecessary or unintended requirements to reduce the burden of compliance (without lessening safety standards) 
• amending requirements to be consistent with current practices and technology 
• correcting errors in cross-references, descriptions and technical specifications in current Rules. 

 On 12 March 2019 NZTA introduced interim (effective to 15 April 2019) changes to Temporary Traffic Management requirements for tasks where a mobile operation requires out of vehicle activities on level 1 State Highways.  This Advisory Note includes interim requirements that relate to worksites on State Highways with permanent speed limits over 65km/h where personnel are on foot either within 5m of the edgeline or in the lane. 

RTL advises Temporary Traffic Management customers to consult with the NZTA for interim EEDs. 
A copy of our latest PW/ RG Wallchart. For best results, please print A3 in colour.
A copy of our latest Temporary Warning & Work Zone Wallchart. For best results, please print A3 in colour.
One of the most common causes of accidents at intersections is pedestrians not looking up from their smart phones before stepping on the road Vivacity LED Safety Tactile Blocks were designed to significantly reduce the number of accidents at traffic controlled intersections. After installations of the LED Safety Tactile Blocks in Seoul, Korea at 20 major locations the number of traffic accidents, injuries and deaths decreased by 26.2%, 21.2% and 38.3% respectively. 

The VIVACITY safety block is installed in rows on the kerbside on the intersection, they are connected to the traffic lights and shine the same colour as the traffic lights. These safety blocks can be used in numerous applications; level crossings on the rail network, restaurant drive throughs, pedestrian crossings…anywhere a pedestrian is interacting with a crossing.
  • Pedestrians are more cautious of traffic and have quick awareness of signal changes.
  • Drivers can recognise the crosswalk light change at 30 m distance at night time.
We have put together a Return to Work Package with solutions to get you and your team ready. For best results, please print A4 double-sided in colour
For best results, please print A4, in colour