Sign Specifications

Links to Industry Standards & Specifications

Sign Specifications

Sign Search - Type in a key word or one of the sign codes to search for the sign you are looking for.

Our Sign Search is designed to take the pain away from finding the right sign – type a keyword in the search bar, or type in any of the known sign codes to find the one you are looking for. As you type, suggested signs will automatically populate. You can click on a sign and it will pop out. Click more info to load that sign page, or hit escape to look at another result. This page brings together all the main links to Traffic Devices Rule (TCD), Recent Gazette Notices, Industry Standards & Performance Specifications relating to signs and equipment used in New Zealand. Download our popular traffic sign reference catalogue and view our latest road safety catalogue.

Traffic Devices Rule:

Main Links to the Land Transport Traffic Devices Rule & Manual:

The TCD Rule specifies the requirements for the design, construction, installation, operation, and maintenance of traffic control devices, and sets out the functions and responsibilities of road controlling authorities. This means, any changes to road signs used in New Zealand are reflected in the TCD Manual, Schedule 1. This includes sign size, shape, colour and fonts and text height.

Traffic Devices Rule - Web    Traffic Devices Rule - PDF    TCD Manual - All 16 Documents    Sign Specifications with Images


NZTA P24 Specification for permanent traffic signs            NZTA M25 Specification for retroflective sheeting                  NZTA M28 Quick reference for colours

Sign Categories:

Permanent Warning road signs, or PW for short, with their retro-reflective yellow background and black markings, are placed on roads, state highways, motorways, and expressways to give drivers advanced notice of necessary caution. These signs cover a range of warnings including speed limit changes, junctions, intersections, advanced corner warnings, speed advisories, railway level crossings, and school zones.

Regulatory General Signs, also known as RG Signs, are mandatory signs used by a Road Controlling Authority (RCA) in New Zealand to restrict or prohibit vehicles. RG signs are compulsory, which tell drivers what they must do or must not do i.e. speed, direction, bridge weights etc. Most of these signs feature black legends with a red border on a retro-reflective white background, while some have a white retro-reflective legend with a blue background.

General Advisory Traffic Signs in New Zealand are predominantly black text with a retro-reflective white background, used to provide information to drivers like slow passing bay, passing lanes and stock effluent stations etc. General Information indicate public amenities, local points of interest, and land features. Shield and route supplementary signs are used at the beginning, along the length to indicate distance, and at the end of a marked route.

Motorist Service signs, also known as Service Signs, are used to highlight services on New Zealand public roads and state highways, commonly used by drivers including rest stops, public toilets, petrol stations, facilities, parking and medical services.

Pedestrian Crossing (Zebra Crossing) or a Kea Crossing (School Crossing Point) safety solutions for New Zealand Primary and Intermediate Schools.

Motorway, Expressway & State Highways are predominantly green and white and provide advanced direction and information to drivers. Large guide signs like ADS, CDS etc and threshold signs and directional road signs are used on major New Zealand roads and the national State Highway network, to provide destination, direction and guidance for drivers, tourists and travellers. RTL have a highly experience sign design team that can work with you