Road Safety Week 2024

Reno Wijnstok

From the man himself! Our Managing Director, Reno. 
Reno has been in the game for quite a while now, so he knows a thing or two about Road Safety. We also sat down with him to answer these questions. 
How long have you been in the game?   Coming up 30 years
What do you love about this industry?    I know it’s a cliché but it’s the constant pace of change! Every day there is a new opportunity or element to consider. No one day is the same!  
What do you wish you could change in terms of road safety? 95% of road users are capable and respectful to others, the road rules and driving to the conditions. It about educating the other 5%. One person being killed on average every day is an alarming statistic.
Reno Wijnstok

Blackwells Izusu Hamish MacPherson

Traffic Management is about trucks!!! We are super grateful to work alongside truck suppliers who share their industry knowledge with us and support our Traffic Management customers from start to finish. Delivering SAFETY is a team effort! 
We spoke with Hamish MacPherson from Blackwells Isuzu about his thoughts on Road Safety. 
How long have you been in the game? 
17 years
What do you love about this industry?
I love how those inside the industry understand that it is not always the truck's fault when something happens. Therefore we are always looking for ways to keep everyone on the road safer by collaborating with our customers and innovating as a supplier.
What do you wish you could change in terms of road safety?
I wish all users of the road could understand more about the additional dangers that come with operating a truck. And also understand that trucks are necessary for our survival. Sometimes you just need to be patient and see things from the  truck drivers' perspective. 
Blackwells Izusu Hamish MacPherson

TrafFix Devices Inc Yvette Cervantes

We spoke to our amazing American supplier, TrafFix Devices, Inc. very own Yvette Cervantes about Road Safety. Check out her responses:
How long have you been in the game?  Just over 26 years and all at TrafFix Devices, Inc.
What do you love about this industry? We have cars that alert us for things like Blind spots, tell us when we are moving into different lanes, etc.  However, even with all this new vehicle technology we continue to lose workers and innocent lives due to impaired drivers.  I love the way that our industry continues to see those issues and work on new ways to improve highway safety.  Knowing how our Scorpion allows highway workers to go home to their families even after an impact.  
What do you wish you could change in terms of road safety?  Education for drivers, we need people to have a better understanding of highway safety.  People need to understand what happens when they are impaired, distracted etc.  
TrafFix Devices Inc Yvette Cervantes

Foton Trucks NZ Connor Welch

Another truck supplier! Fairly new to the TM game, another truck supplier - Foton Trucks! Safety is key to truck companies. We sat down with Connor Welch from their sales team. 
I’ve been in the trucking industry for my entire working career, spanning for 5+ years now. 
What I love most about the industry is the passion that people have for finding the balance between efficiency and safety, and the commitment within the industry to always find a solution to get the work done.
In terms of road safety, I think our population as a whole greatly overlooks the posted speed signs within our roadwork sites. I believe there needs to be much heavier enforcement around speeding through works, whether it be cameras or stationed cars. Getting somewhere 5 minutes faster isn't worth risking the lives of the people fixing our roads. 
Check out the team in Hamilton! 
Foton Trucks NZ Connor Welch

J&R Contracting Maringi Ihaka

We love chatting with our customers about their WHY? 
We asked Maringi these questions too. 
Maringi has been in the industry for a while now and currently heading the Traffic Division for J&R contracting. 
How long have you been in the game?
I have been in the industry for 8 years with a few little breaks. Starting after university, I progressed through various roles, gaining an understanding of the TM industry's dynamics, challenges, and opportunities. Each phase of my career, from TC to my current role, has contributed to my well-rounded perspective on the industry.
What do you love about this industry? 
The collaborative nature of the is something I think is cool. Working alongside passionate, skilled professionals to solve problems and create impactful solutions is both inspiring and fulfilling. No people like traffic management people!
What do you wish you could change in terms of road safety?
I would love to see increased public awareness and education on road safety particularly around road works. Changing the public's perception of road work will lead to more informed decisions, which, in turn, will result in safer roads.
J&R Contracting Maringi Ihaka

Directionz Leboy & Roger

Our sister company, Directionz work on our roads daily. We caught up with Leboy and Roger from the Auckland team to answer some questions. 
How long have you been in the game? 20 years young.
What do you love about this industry? I love that Directionz is a part of a system that keeps Auckland moving and creating a safer space for everyone to share on the network.
What do you wish you could change in terms of road safety? To ensure people understand the importance of road safety and to keep themselves and everyone around them safe, this includes their colleagues and the public. 
How long have you been in the game? 23 years
What do you love about this industry? That we are an integral part of providing assets that keep people safe, and to direct them safely to where they want to go!
What do you wish you could change in terms of road safety? Better education of road user and road worker safety, to ensure everybody gets home safely
Photo is with Dani and Leboy 
Directionz Leboy & Roger