RTL's Sustainability: Measuring and Reducing Emissions Underway

RTL is making significant strides in our  commitment to sustainability, with a focus on measuring and reducing emissions. 

Our Sustainability Framework includes:

Impact Area: Emissions & Energy, Goal: To measure and reduce our emissions in line with climate science & Challenge: Allocating time and resources for emissions measurement and identifying effective decarbonization strategies for our operations and supply chain

Current Progress:

We are three months into recording our emissions, establishing a crucial baseline for future improvements.We have conducted its first carbon emission assessment, adhering to ISO 14064-1:2018 and GHG Protocol standards.
Our analysis has revealed; 
    Average monthly emissions of 29 tCO2e
    Scope 3 emissions account for approximately 70% of total emissions
    Freight operations are the largest contributor within Scope 3

Looking Ahead

Our 2025 target is to establish annual carbon accounting and reporting in line with international standards. This initial assessment marks the beginning of our carbon management strategy, enabling us to make data-driven decisions and continuously improve our environmental performance. RTL is committed to transparency and action in our sustainability efforts. We look forward to sharing more updates as we progress on this important journey.

Our Next Steps

  1. Develop a comprehensive emissions reduction plan based on our findings.
  2. Focus on reducing freight-related emissions through:
    • Route optimisation
    • Exploring low-emission transport options
    • Implementing shipment consolidation strategies
  3. Engage with suppliers to promote sustainable practices throughout our supply chain.
  4. Continue regular carbon accounting and reporting to track progress and inform decision-making.

Want to learn more? What does Scope mean?

Understanding GHG Protocol and RTL's Carbon Accounting

The Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Protocol provides a comprehensive global standardized framework for measuring and managing greenhouse gas emissions. It categorises emissions into three scopes, which helps us to  to better understand and manage our carbon footrprint


Scope 1: Direct Emissions

These are emissions from sources that are owned or controlled directly by RTL.

Scope 2: Indirect Emissions from Energy Use

These emissions are associated with the purchase of electricity, steam, heat, or cooling for RTL's operations.

Scope 3: Other Indirect Emissions

This scope covers all other indirect emissions that occur in RTL's value chain, both upstream and downstream.

For RTL, this includes:

  1. Waste Disposal: Emissions from the treatment and disposal of waste generated by RTL's operations.
  2. Business Travel: Emissions from employees' business-related travel via flights, trains, and other modes of transportation.
  3. Supply Chain Emissions: This includes emissions from the production of purchased goods, such as aluminum sheets and overlays.
  4. Freight Activities: Emissions associated with the distribution and receiving of products, as well as their end-of-life disposal. 

Scope 3 emissions often represent the largest portion of a company's carbon footprint, as is the case with us at RTL - where they account for approximately 70% of total emissions.

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