RTL Technical Training Day on Traffic Management Safety Devices

RTL hosted an interactive workshop aimed at enhancing customer value and product safety. The event, hosted at our Auckland Branch and led by Shane Murray our Technical Manager, focused on equipping customers and their teams with essential knowledge to optimize the use and maintenance of TTM Electronic and Crash Equipment, like the Advance Warning Variable Message Sign (AWVMS) Truck Mounted Attenuators (TMAs) and Variable Message Signs (VMS). The workshop provided practical advice on both electrical and engineering.

Some other Topics included:

  • Clarifying misconceptions about state of charge and state of health
  • Addressing common field frustrations and their root causes
  • Comparing different battery types, including their advantages and disadvantages
  • Responsibilities of Drivers & Users and the Workshop / Maintenance Teams
  • Best practices for pre and post-shift charging
  • Strategies for extending battery life and performance
  • Specialized Attenuator Maintenance

Participants engaged in Q&A sessions throughout the event, as a key focus of the workshop was the importance of establishing regular maintenance schedules, so it was the perfect opportunity to cover what should be included in maintenance, what to look for and common issues and solutions.

  • Tailoring maintenance intervals based on frequency of use
  • Essential components of a comprehensive maintenance routine
  • Identifying common issues and implementing solutions
  • Recognizing warning signs that require immediate attention
  • Demystifying Battery Management

Thanks to those who attended. If you are interested in another workshop - please let us know by emailing marketing@rtl.co.nz