Street Name Blades - Whakatane District Council (WDC)

Street Name Blades - Whakatane District Council (WDC)

Product Code CS05 408
Street Name Blades (SNB), also known as Street Name Signs (SNS) or Street Name Plates (SNP), to suit Whakatane District Council requirements including urban, rural and amenity blades. Whakatane DC SNBs are made using HIP Retro Reflective Sheeting.

Ordering Online is simple:
- Use Modify Your Options
- Under Shape Select Type / Configuration
- Under Options Select Length & Push Confirm.
- In Special Instructions Feild type Road Name and include arrows
- Select Quantity and add to cart
- Repeat process to order more blades

Note: Select correct length by counting the number of letters and spaces etc . Ignore the space between the name and Rd but count any additional spaces.

For a custom sizes or designs, please call us on 0800 785 744.

Modify your Options

Urban 200mm White on Green - Double Sided
8 Letters on 200mm high SNB Extrusion

Special Instructions

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