Finger Board

Finger Board

Product Code IG12 187
TCD Code - MOTSAM IG-12 TCD Rule -
IG-12 Finger Board Street Name Blades are used to direct road users to public amenities and items of local interest. Must be approved by the local authority in accordance with their established policy and format.

Our SNBs utilise the unique ""I"" beam design making them one of the strongest in New Zealand. Standard depth of an IG12 blade is 1200mm long x 225mm high.

We also supply a full range of brackets and strapping to mount SNBs onto steel and timber posts & poles.

Please call us on 0800 785 744 to discuss your requirements.

Modify your Options

1200mm long x 225mm high
1200mm x 225mm Extrusion
Non Reflective (NRFL)
Single Sided

Special Instructions

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