Riley Kerb Cycle Delineator

Product Code MC04 5010
The Riley Kerb Delineator act as a rumble strip to reduce the numbers of vehicles into the cycle lanes. Riley Kerbs are 2 metres long and manufactured out of rubber.

- They help with squeeze points at intersections and roundabouts
- In school zones - entry and exit points.
- Approaches to pedestrian crossings
- Locations where the pavement size increases or decreases
- On cycle paths at intersections to alert cyclists they are approaching a hazard

Riley Kerb can be used in conjunction with our Flexi Guide 300 (FG-300) surface mounted Channelizer / Delineator. The posts are well known for toughness, impact resistance and long-lasting performance. Their clover leaf design provides for superior rebound performance over simple round tubes.

- Channelization
- High occupancy vehicle lane buffers
- Dedicated cycle lanes

Note: Riley Kerb(R) Delineators are fixed using coach screws in combination with a epoxy glue. 7 fixings are required per section. Allow for one tube of epoxy for every 18 fixing holes. Fixings and Epoxy are sold separately.

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