KEA Crossing Kits
Product Code PC04 KITW
TCD Code WU21 TCD Rule W16-4.1
W16-4.1 or WU21 Kea Crossing Sign Kits are used at Kea Crossings, known as School Crossing Points. Kea Crossing Kits are used in conjunction with our School Patrol Systems to provide children with a safe place to cross the road where there is no marked pedestrian crossing. Kea Crossing Kits include a Flag, Sign Brace, Mounting Bracket and a Carry Bag for storing the kit while not in use.
As per Waka Kotahi requirements, the Children flag signs are removable, lightweight, collapsible, orange or red fluorescent, diamond shaped flags that are constructed of soft material. These signs are placed in special mounting posts that are situated on both kerb extensions so they are visible to motorists. They must only be used when a school crossing is in operation.
Our Stayput School Patrol is approved for use at School Crossing Points. The patrol arm and the seperate main support pole are plain white (no bands).
For more compliance information, please contact us or view Section 8.4 School crossing points in the Traffic Control Devices Rule.
W16-4.1 Flags must not be used at pedestrian (zebra) crossings even if there is a school patrol operating (see note 5 below).