No Entry Level 1 (MKL)

No Entry Level 1 (MKL)

Product Code RG09 M242
TCD Code RD2 MOTSAM RG-9 TCD Rule R3-4
RD2 or RG09 Regulatory General No Entry Signs Road Signs, known as a R3-4 in the TCD Rule, are used in work zone or during road works with traffic management, where there is a partial road closure and approaching vehicles are not permitted to enter a road section eg one direction closed and the carriageway is temporarily made into a one-way road. RD2 No Entry Signs must be augmented with T1A/B road works signs and TD-type detour direction indicator signs used to indicate the shortest alternative route with an adequate width and no height restrictions. RG-9 Traffic Signs can only be used after formal authorisation by the controlling authority. Used on Level One New Zealand Roads for Temporary Traffic Management (TTM) and is in the Waka Kotahi Code of Practice (CoPTTM).

Product Attributes

Level One (MKL) Diamond 750mm wide x 750mm high
High Intensity Prismatic (HIP)

Special Instructions

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