Road Works - 1 or 2 km Delays Possible

Road Works - 1 or 2 km Delays Possible

Product Code T01B.2X142
TCD Code T143 MOTSAM TW-1B2.1 TCD Rule W1-3
T143 or TW01B2.1 Temporary Warning Road Works - Delays Possible Road Signs, referred to as a W1-3 Sign in the TCD Rule, are used for major long-term temporary traffic management, to give advance warning of road works where there is a probability of queues forming because of delays caused by the work site activities. The distance displayed is the distance between the sign and the start of any activity associated with the road works. The TW-1B2.1 Road Works - Delays Possible Traffic Sign is only used on Level 2/3 New Zealand Roads for Temporary Traffic Management (TTM) and is in the Waka Kotahi Code of Practice (CoPTTM).

Product Attributes

2400mm wide x 1800mm high
Aluminium with Channel
High Intensity Prismatic (HIP)

Special Instructions

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