Priority Stop

Priority Stop

Product Code RG05A 132
TCD Code RP1 MOTSAM RG-5 TCD Rule R2-1
RG-5 Priority Stop Signs, also known as RG5, RP1 or a R2-1 sign, should be erected at blind intersections, intersections with unusual layout or traffic patterns, by railways operator as part of an RG-32 sign combination.

In 2019, the TCD Update changed Priority Stop Sign Sizes as follows:

675mm x 675mm to 750mm x 750mm
845mm x 845mm to 900mm x 900mm
1015mm x 1015mm to 1200mm x 1200mm

Modify your Options

750mm wide x 750mm high
Aluminium 2.5mm
High Intensity Prismatic (HIP)

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