400mm Custom Bird of the Year Sign

400mm Custom Bird of the Year Sign

Product Code COM C4
RTL are right behind the annual Bird of the Year campaign. Normally, it's Bird of the Year but in 2023 it's Bird of the Century. Vote and Donate today: https://www.birdoftheyear.org.nz/

Our Favourite is the beautiful KEA, so we've made up these custom 400mm signs available for purchase, to get behind Forest and Bird and the Bird of the Year Campaign. These signs will look great on the fence, in the garden, or make a great talking point in the office.

All proceeds will be donated to Forest and Bird Conservation Organisation. There is limited stock available. Find out more about why RTL loves the Kea here: https://rtl.co.nz/post/what-does-rtl-love-about-the-kea-bird

Product Attributes

400mm Diameter
Aluminium (2.0)
Non Reflective (NRFL)

Special Instructions

File Attachments

Product Pricing
