Crash Cushion Reflective Panel

Crash Cushion Reflective Panel

Product Code RM056 242
MOTSAM Figure 5.6
Figure 5.6 Reflective Black and Yellow Chevron Panel, also known as a Leading Face or Nose Sheet, Nose Cone, are used on Crash Cushions / End Treatments, where the crash cushion is located in a situation where approaching traffic may pass to either side of it, eg: at a motorway off ramp.

View Section 5.03.04 Figure 5.6 Delineation and Hazard Markers:

Note: This code is for a 600 x 750 panel. RTL can manufacture different sized panels. Please contact RTL to discuss your requirements.

Product Attributes

600mm wide x 750mm high
Aluminium (2.0mm)
High Intensity Prismatic (HIP)

Special Instructions

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