LED Prism Light Arrow System (LAS)

Product Code ET LAS6LED
TCD Code RD6T TCD Rule R3-13.3
The RTL Light Arrow System is one of the most popular LAS models in New Zealand. Used on Level 2 and Level 3 State Highways, our LAS is designed to safely caution road users and direct traffic to the left or right. Comprising of a top display and a bottom arrow board with two separate directional signs, RTLs Light Arrow System is the only LAS using PrismXP Technology.

The LAS features steel structural framing, class 400 retro-reflective, LED on the top board with automatic dimming, external status indicator, and a fitted linear actuator to raise the top board up.

For more information, please download a copy of the brochure.

Product Attributes

370 kgs

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