RTLs Light Arrow Systems range now includes the new LAS7 with an RG LED Arrow. Designed to guide drivers on high-volume Level 2 and Level 3 Roads and State Highways, our range two models, including the ever-popular LAS6 with PrismXP and the new LAS7 with a highly visible LED RG Arrow on the bottom board.
Our LAS units are installed on TL-2 and TL-3 Traffic Management Trucks to caution road users and direct traffic during mobile operations including shadow vehicles, tail pilots and during lane closures.
RTLs Light Arrow Systems feature the latest LED technology meets and exceeds all regulatory and performance requirements, it is built to last and is easy to operate.
Comprising of a top arrow board and bottom board with two separate directional signs and Xenon Lights, our LAS range improves the legibility of the message in all types of weather and light conditions.